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“At Surado we will not only offer caregiving qualifications, RPL is the next best thing you can have! “

Are you in need of qualifications but you don’t have time to commit for a course? Or else you have experience gaps but have no idea how to fill them?

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) would be the simplest and fastest solution to your problem. Recognition of Prior Learning is a globally recognised method to offer qualifications related to your work experience and the sector that you’re working in. Get evaluated and receive your qualifications within 1 – 3 months without studying or doing any exams since your working experience and current qualifications can be used as exemptions for higher qualifications. You can use these RPL qualifications to university pathways to study Master’s or PhDs abroad.

What’s the importance of RPL to our caregiving students?

Most of the caregiving students are not from the health care sector. Therefore, they don’t possess any previous qualifications in caregiving. From the RPL department now you can obtain backdated caregiving certificates (Dual Qualification) for the experience they receive. This creates an extra one year to the caregiving background while enabling the caregiving students to apply for foreign jobs easily without any doubt.


Obtain your qualifications and accomplish your migration dream !


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